Name: Mika Akers
Blog Address(if you have one): Scrapbooked Moments
Crafts you dabble in: Right now I am totally obsessed with scrapbooking. I have tried a lot of different things over the years though; knitting, crocheting, sewing, making things with shrinky dinks, yarns, clay, beads, etc...
Favorite color(s): Red, pink, black
Do you have a room of crap, a closet of crap or a shelf of crap? D. All of the above
What supply to you have the most of? patterned papers
What supply do you hoard the most? patterned papers
What brand do you use the most? I don't have any particular brand that I like over the others. When I see something I like, I get them and use them. My favorite now is My Mind's Eye.
What brand do you own the most of but use the least? My supply source is very limited and my inventory doesn't have that much variety in brands.
Keep your scraps or throw them away? Keep them. Who doesn't ?
Organized or perfectly chaotic? Organized (or at least I try to be)
Crafting motto? As long as I like it... <----excellent motto Create with friends or alone? Physically...alone, mentally...with friends
What supply do you need a challenge for so that you will use it up? eyelets, vellum
Check back tomorrow for her challenge to roll out. it's a goooood one.
Welcome Welcome... Can not WAIT to see what you come up with! So nice to have you here to play along :)
welcome to the newest Queen of Crap! can't wait to see all of your creations to this fab challenge about to roll out!
So glad to have you as our Queen, your Highness! I know that you'll have fun and show us your stuff!
congrats mika!
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