Without further ado..here are your 3 new members of the SYC blog.

My name is Karen but I prefer to be called Liz. I live in TX with my hubby, two sons and our weird doggie. The men in my life have learned to deal with the fact that I have a serious paper addiction which started way back in 1998.
I love all things paper and love to apply paper to most things, like lampshades, wood items, clocks, etc. Anything I can find that looks ugly, I try to 're-do' it with paper. My current faves are October Afternoon and Thickers. Recently I've been trying to limit my stash by just purhcasing one monthly kit; it is actually working quite well and, honestly, I can't even use all that up!
You can also visit me here on my blog.

Hello! Hello! This is Dana D. from sunny So. Cal!
My maiden name Shutt- combined with my love of photography- has set me up with the nickname of Shutterz since I was a kid.
I am a small business owner who happily lives with my hubby Larry and our fur-child Harrison. (I also apologize in advance for any typos-as Harrison is currently sitting on my keyboard as I write this!)
I have been scrapping before it had an official name. When I was a kid, I could often be found in my room listening to Rick Springfield on my stereo while cutting pictures out of Teen Beat and TV guide to glue onto construction paper. Things haven't changed all too much!
Here’s what you need to know about me:
I love really bad reality TV.
I hate scary movies because I am a total scaredy cat.
I love nothing better then starting my day just as the sun rises, drinking a cup of Vanilla coffee out of my favorite mug, while snuggled up with my favorite scrap magazine.
I hate going to bed angry.
I love that I started a blog , but I hate when someone leaves me spam!
I love fall even though we don’t really have seasons in San Diego. I hate being hot, which again isn’t always an option in the summer.
If I were British I would be called a magpie because I love glittery bits of this and that and I am thrilled to be in such amazing company... thanks for thinking I was even worthy!

I'm Lisa and a scrapaholic with way too much stuff, so working with Scrap Your Crap helps me feel a little less guilty about all the crap that I have! I quit the corporate world of banking about 4 years ago and my brain needed something to do, I discovered scrapbooking and it became an obsession. I have to scrap just like I had to go to work. I married my soulmate 5 years ago and finally realized being married wasn't a bad thing after all! I have two daughters 19 and 20. I am an animal lover and I have rescued 1 dog and 3 cats. That's enough about me, my blog will tell you more, I am so excited to be working with the girls here and can't wait to get started...so I'm off to scrap my crap!
and in honor of our new crap scrappers we are going to give away a RAK...yep sure are...BUT we are not giving you more stuff to hoard...that would defeat the purpose of this whole challenge blog right? ...so instead the fabulous Liz is going to give away a new blog banner to one of you lucky girls that participate. Drawing will be random using the random number generator. Got to love that thing!! Good luck and let's keep scrapping the crap and using the dusty tools.
So good......
congrats to you ladies! i'm so excited for ya'll. way to go!
WOOT WOOT! Welcome to the club!
congrats to all of you...but alas, i don't blog, just wanted to send some love though
hey if I won, maybe that would get my rear in gear and start the blog I've been meaning to all summer ...thanks for the chance
congrats girlies :)
Welcome girls and congrats!!! I love to stalk this blog and absolutely adore Greta!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
Congrats ladies!!! WOOOHOOO!Loads of talent!!! I would love a new banner....getting bored with my current one!
Congratulations to the new ladies who will give me more inspiration to take the plunge and start doing layouts.
Thats awesome ladies. Just quietly I too have an addiction to Thickers as well.
hello ladies!!
can't wait to see your awesome creations!
How sweet! Congrats to all of you ladies!!! :)
Can't wait to see all the ideas y'all have!! I HAVE GOT to get off my tushy tush and join in the challenges!! I read this blog all the time, but have never done a challenge... I'm sorry :(
I will though... I really will!!
Have a great day and congrats girls!
Happy Scrappin'
Lisa H. in Arkansas
Congrats to the new ladies - oh and a new blog banner by Liz? Please sign me up! I'm new here and feel at home already, plenty of c to s!
Congrats ladies!!
I still need to get my azz in gear and get on these challenges!!
I like to win so I am here to win, even if it is not something to clog up my current mess! Please number generator pick me!
That is a wonderful news. We can always use more inspiration. Love that blinkie, too. I've got to put that on my blog.
Welcome ladies - I am eager to see you strut your stuff - I am a stalker of this blog myself - why?? Because Greta Rocks!!
Oh Oh oh Oh Oh - can you tell I am excited? I love this blog and I love the vibe/attitude behind it! And,by golly, you are a good looking bunch!
High five from Cape Town,South Africa!
Great site...will be checkin on a daily basis now that I wandered upon it. I would love a banner as mine sucks...lol
YAHOOOOO to U YAWL!! this will be exciting..
Can't wait to see what new stuff you guys come up with!!!
Great blog, just came across it, can't wait to participate in some of the challenges :)
Congrats and I am looking forward to getting rid of some of this stuff I have hoarded for way too long! Love this board!
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