How many of you have fabric in your stash that you were going to make something with and never got around to it? I know i do. So this week we want to see some fabric on your layouts. Fabric adds great texture and depth to any layout. You can use one piece, Multiple pieces, sew a whole piece on your carstock and build your layout from there...the possiblilities are endless and we want to see them.


Please don't forget to link in the comments section so we can follow you layouts and leave the love it deserves...thanks girls...have fun!!
Weekly particpants:
has been moved to the project blog
you can find the link on the right hand sidebar
I have a LO I just did with fabric!!! Don't know if it counts because I really don't have a fabric stash, but I just got some in a kit and created a little flower with it. You can see it on my blog...
it's "Waiting for the Train"
Of course it counts! We are sooo happy to have you play along with us! on my way to check it out now :)
awesome yo-yos Melita! thanks for playing!
Great layouts! Believe it or not, I have absolutely no fabric! I've just never had the umph to use it on a page. I think it's because I figure I have to sew! I will steal some from my daughters...they got some in a kit I bought for them!
I sooo did this challeneg last night and will post it tonight after I take some pics! :)
Here is my layout...
This was a brilliant idea by the way!
Oh nice challenge. I have done this before. :) One example is
I hope I get around to find the time to do it again. Fabric is fun!
great job adding the fabric... I love that look thanks for sharing..
Woo Hoo, 2 weeks in a row I got these done!!
I just did a quick one before I leave for a long weekend tomorrow!!
I added it to the slide show.
I also did a couple of cards! Of course, I didn't use all of the fabric, so now I will have some in my stash! LOL!
OK I added mine!!
I just added mine, I used to be a fashion designer so when you talk about fabric Stash-Ive got a fabric stash LOL.
Thanks Ladies
here is mine.
the only fabric i have is the the left over from a costume i had to make for kimber's play. ok don't laugh at my little rose. it was the first costume i've ever made. i don't know how i made it through six years of elementary and not having to make a costume. but it caught up with me this year.
ooh thanks for the prompt to finally use that fabric Ive been hording.
thats mine :)
here is mine. One of my first LOs. Also the pics of the LO aren't too good. Still learning! :)
they look awesome ladies! thanks for playing! if i didn't visit you to thank you 'personally' it's b/c i can't find you! leave a link or something in the comments so we can visit!
When is this challenge due...can't find anywhere where it says...I am working on something now that I would like to enter...should have it finished tonight but just can't seem to find the right picture for it as I cut up a shirt of my daughters to do this and then realized I don't even think I have a picture of her wearing the layouts have to have a photo on it if I can't find one in time?
Okay, I finished can find it Keep in mind, I printed the picture on my comp and have to reprint it a little bigger to a 4x6 but you get the picture.
I'm trying to post mine again. Hope it works this time...
Thanks for the nudge to use up some fabric in my stash!!! Here's my LO: dude
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