Name: Lisa Burton
Blog: Scrapcatz
Crafts you dabble in: I've tried about everything, but scrapping is the most fulfilling. You can only crochet so many scarves and it doesn't even get that cold here!
Favorite color(s): Blue, Pink and Brown
Do you have a room of crap, a closet of crap or a shelf of crap? One room and working towards taking another over!
What supply to you have the most of? I have an equal number of supplies, I have no prejudice when it comes to what I have most of although the tools, machines and paper take up the most room.
What supply do you hoard the most? Stamps and I really need to use them sometimes, I really love collecting them.
What brand do you use the most? Right now I seem to be using a lot of Fiskars, I couldn't resist those Fiskadeals they had in March.
What brand do you own the most of but use the least? Fancy Pants, they look so cute, but I never get around to actually using them.
Keep your scraps or throw them away? I keep most of them, unless it's really small or really ugly!
Organized or perfectly chaotic? I tried to clean off my work space after each layout, but the rest is completely chaotic.
Crafting motto? Git R Done
Create with friends or alone? Alone..sniff, sniff I have no friends that scrap and I just wouldn't have a clue what to pack up and take to a crop at the LSS.
What supply do you need a challenge for so that you will use it up? Well it wouldn't be used up but I need to use my stamp collection.
Lisa's first challenge will roll out first thing Monday morning!
I've been demanding to be called Your Highness around here...it's not really working out for me! Thank you for making the Queen of Crap, ya'll are the best!
Hello Your Highness! Enjoy your reign! Are you practicing your royal wave? Long live the Queen!
LOL! Congrats Lisa....or shall I say HRH Lisa... ;)
LOL HRH Lisa! all bow. I am a GIT R done gal too! congrats.
Congratulations...can't wait to see what you come up with!
HRH Lisa...LOL. Congrats Lisa, you deserve it!
Lisa is such a proficient and talented scrapper...congrats Lisa!! What a cute pic of you! XOOXO
Thank you all for your sweet comments! I am loving this whole Queen business!
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