In honor of the new year and because we are all so busy we are only going to bring you challenges once a month...YAY!! Each challenge will roll out on the first of the month.
oops..i thought i scheduled this to automatically post but i guess not...YIKES...oh well 4 days late but it doesn't matter....Have fun girls! and please link us up so i can make a slide show and we can leave you love
This challenge is all about getting those xmas cards done.
So hopefully you have some left over xmas paper from last year that you can dig into
How about some fruitcake or figgy pudding by Basic Grey? or maybe some Scenic route?
Whatever you have lets use it up so we can dig into to this years paper for all our new christmas pics.
i didn't have any xmas paper left from last year so i did one using this year's from OA.
ok, so the first two cards are from my stash...lots of green buttons and some felt. i honestly don't have as many green buttons as i thought i did. The button tree is an idea from Nicole Samuels. She has pics on her blog. Her's is waaay cuter! and i totally forgot a star! might have to do a re-take.
now...the last three cards are from new stuff. the K&Co Christmas line was just too pretty to resist (especially with a Michael's coupon).
Who doesn't have a gazillion Deluxe Design Lazer cuts? Me.. that's who! Decided to use some of those babies up that I had been hoarding for that "special" project I never got around too.. Also managed to use up one some of that Christmas paper from Joann's that I thought was so fabulous like 5 years ago!!!! What can you guys dig up to play with?
For more xmas card inspiration please check out this challenge
Our December Queen is none other than Britta.
Please give her a warm welcome. She has done some awesome things this month and hope you will be inspired as well.
Lets get to know a little bit about is what she had to say
My name is Britta.
My blog is Pink Giraffe
Besides scrapping I love to paint and draw.
My favorite color is PINK (but I always have another "favorite season color" which this autumn is a greyish blue).
I have all my srapping supplies in our office and so kind of made our office to MY room of (s)crap.
I have lots of paper.
I hoard lots of paper.
I grab every Making Memories supply that I can find here in Germany.
Besides Making Memories I don´t go for brands but buy what I like (mostly pink paper).
I keep my scraps in a little box and give this box to my mom from time to time (and so does she). Using up her scraps is so much more fun!
I am (most of the time) a very organized person - until I start scrapping - then my place gets a total mess!
"Have fun and create beauty!"
I usually scrap alone (with my blogland friend Dana as a "virtual mojo" in my mind).
In honor of the upcoming thanksgiving holidays...pull out last years fall papers, embellishments and ribbons and scrap it. It can be about what you are thankful for or just a silly ole topic using up the papers.
Queen Aimee's:
greta's last years 7 gypsies
Liz's: Thought I'd share some wreaths that i've made over the last few years. All the paper elements on them are scraps. The first one uses little bit and pieces that i've tried to use on other layouts, but ended up ditching them and collecting them in a baby food jar, like buttons, flowers, etc. The first wreath is also made from scratch with a $3 clearance grape vine wreath from Michael's and some clearance items from Walmart's seasonal aisle last year (they've been sitting in a rubbermaid bin awaiting my holiday spirit).
The second is made from the garland strands you can also find at Michael's. I tied the two ends together, made each little card, tied them off with eyelets and ribbon, added the letters to spell 'Thankful', the tied off with a bow to hand.
sorry girls i am running behind as usual. This week we want you to
sew up something, use a template, sewing machine or just needle and thread the old fashioned way...whatever way you choose we want to see the sewing skillz
Sometimes just a little hand stitching can make a big difference in a simple layout. Dana's:
I am all thumbs when it comes to sewing.. but I actually hand sewed the stitches and cut the little chick from a template and some felt. Liz's:
I've seen this done several places, using the sewing lines as a grid of sorts. So, I thought I'd give it a try. It didn't come out exactly as I had envisioned and covered up most of the grid. I intended to put little patterned paper scrap squares here and there inside the grid boxes. My layout is 8.5x11, so maybe it would have worked better with a 12x12. I also had to use the large pp strips to cover up my super 'bad' sewing skillz!
Favorite color(s): love green. oh and pinks and oranges Do you have a room of crap, a closet of crap or a shelf of crap? over the summer my hubby made room for me in the nook of our bedroom. so i have a little corner
What supply to you have the most of? did a spring cleaning of my scrap stuff so really i don't have to much of anything anymore. it use to be paper.
What supply do you hoard the most? rub ons! have way to many
What brand do you use the most? really don't have a fav. with three girls, i usally tend to buy anything girly.
What brand do you own the most of but use the least? there is not just one, i have a little of everything
Keep your scraps or throw them away? use to throw them ALL away but have learned to use them for cards. and what is left of that goes to the girls to scrap with.
Organized or perfectly chaotic? i think my chaos is organized
Crafting motto? don't really have one. just do it to relax
Create with friends or alone? lately alone but love to have girly scrap weekends when i can
What supply do you need a challenge for so that you will use it up? rub ons!
Thanks Aimee for reigning Queen and we can't wait to see what you do!
I would like to take this opportunity and tell everyone that has never played with us before thanks a million. I love seeing the inspiration from week to week. I hope you continue playing and get rid of some of that crap. :)
This weeks winner of the $15 GC to Noel Mignon is LYDIA come on down and claim your prize by emailing me at scrapyourcrap@gmail(dot)com. wooo hoooo!!!
This week we need to focus on using that halloween themed stuff that we had to have from last year or the year before....make a layout, project or card using up OLD halloween themed papers and embellishments. If you don't have old stuff no worries use current stuff. The purpose is to use it up not hoard it (like me).
Queen Pinkey's
the oldest i could find was the SR Salem Line and the (i think this is) the RP Addams Family Line. can't Remember, in my stash. I am sure i have more but i didn't feel like digging to deep Dana's: This is using some real old school Jenni Bowlin embellies and some Rusty Pickle from a few seasons ago. Lisa's the "buttons" that I sewed to the "fence" are years and years old! Liz's: Sorry I'm late! I drew the spiderweb in pencil (after a brief instruction from my hubby), then used the sewing machine to sew over the lines. The spidey is made out of a scallop punch and then those googly eyes...well, they've been in my stash forever as well as the chipboard pieces and some Salem line scrap strips from Scenic Route!
This week is the last and final $15 gift certificates toNoel Mignon Scrap Shop. Noel was gracious enough to donate the GC's and we cannot thank her enough. She puts together the most fabulous kits around that are jammed packed full of scrappy goodies plus she has a store for you to shop in if kits aren't your thing. We figured since February you have been working hard on depleating your stash of stuff so why not reward yourself with some new goodies... the winner for this challenge will be announced on October 15th SO MAKE SURE YOU GET THEM IN BEFORE october 15th by 8 CST
Here is how you can win. post the SYC blinkie on your blog (by grabing it from the sidebar on the might have to scroll down a bit
and participate in this challenge
good luck girls and on with this weeks challenge:
This week we are breaking out those dreaded eyelets. yes those things are a Pain in the rear and we know it...but i bet you have a bazillion of them {shamefully i admit i do} so lets get creative and see how many different way we can use them. Shapes, numbers, and letters are just a few ideas off the top of my head. Here is your twist... let's see if you can use at least 15 of them on one page. The one who uses the most will get a gold star. Queen Pinky's:
Lisa's I used WAY over 15 (I think it's over 70) mini eyelets on this layout!
I managed to dig up three different kind of eyelets that were hiding quietly in my scraproom :)
I didn't count before i did the layout, but luckily there's 22 (and a few hidden ones). my little owen and his aunt laura during our trip to visit last summer. and i totally cheated and used a '3' for an 'e'! i love the glitter thickers, but i run out way too quickly!
Your new Queen of Crap for the month of October is Pinky aka Cristal. Welcome Pinky! Name: Cristal aka PINKY Hobbs
Blog Address:
Any other websites:
Crafts you dabble in: I don't "Dabble" in any crafts I dive in head first and Hope I can swim!! I am a sewing whore and a scrapping hooker! I also freehand paint huge 6FT rubber ducky murals on my bathroom walls, and decorate my house like there is NO tomorrow!
Favorite color(s): I am not color biased! I love em all! OK well purple is not my best friend!
Do you have a room of crap, a closet of crap or a shelf of crap? I have 3 plastic dressers and half a room of crap!
What supply do you have the most of? Paper! I could paper my entire house and still have enough to scrap 1000 pages!
What supply do you hoard the most? My glue runner refills I am afraid I will run out so I send my hubby out at 3am to buy 10 know...JUST IN CASE! What brand do you use the most? Hmmm.....It used to be Crate Paper but now its more Cosmo Cricket What brand do you own the most of but use the least? I think Basic Grey
Keep your scraps or throw them away? I have been keeping them BUT when it filled an entire box I decided maybe its not worth it. So now I give them to my boys and let them go to town with expensive and beautiful paper while I try not to cringe like they are writing on ME! Organized or perfectly chaotic? So chaotic its pathetic man!
Crafting motto? NO RULES Create with friends or alone? I am a LONE scrapper, but I do love cropping! What supply do you need a challenge for so that you will use it up? OMG Probably my early on BRAD issues!
I mentioned in the last post that we are doing something here that we have never done before. Sure we have done a rak or 2 with different things but nothing that you could hoard in your stash such as scrap with that being said....for all you faithful particpants that have taken this crazy ride with us we are offering you not only one but 2$15 gift certificates toNoel Mignon Scrap Shop. Noel was gracious enough to donate the GC"s and we cannot thank her enough. She puts together the most fabulous kits around that are jammed packed full of scrappy goodies plus she has a store for you to shop in if kits aren't your thing. We figured since February you have been working hard on depleating your stash of stuff so why not reward yourself with some new goodies...One of the GC's will be given away for this challenge and one for the October 1st challenge. the winner for this challenge will be announced on September 30th SO MAKE SURE YOU GET THEM IN BEFORE SEPT 30th by 8 CST
Here is how you can win. post the SYC blinkie on your blog (by grabing it from the sidebar on the might have to scroll down a bit and participate in this challenge
good luck girls and on with this weeks challenge:
This week we want to leave our mark....yes my dear challenge lovers we need to break out those markers, pens, pencils, crayons whatever you have use them to color in something on your page or make your own embellishments using these supplies. If you are not a big fan of your handwriting and you use the computer or stamps or your dymo label for your journaling here is your chance. Handwriting by you will be treasured by someone in the future. That is your challenge....
Queen Rose's:
Liz's: i love the way this journaling technique looks. i've seen it a million times, so i don't know where credit is due. i finally got the nerve to try it about a month ago in a mini i did.
i drew the wavy lines and then wrote the message in regular pencil. colored in the letters with colored pencils, then traced with an AC Slick Writer. the Slick Writer also worked great on the Jenni Bowlin journal sticker. a nice portion of neglected buttons finally found a home as well!
also, here's one full page of this technique that i did in that mini i referenced:
Lisa's: I used the best white pen around (I've tried them all) the Uniball Signo to journal in swirls.
Greta's: i actually did a mini using SU markers, AC slick writers and metallic pens here is some of the pages. You can see the full book if you choose here or here.
Hi There! Better late then never- Here is my contribution.. I took it literally and played around with actually using the ink markers as part of my layout! :)
make sure you leave us a comment int he comment section on the blog and a link with your layout to either your blog or an online gallery so we can find it and make sure you get your entry for the RAK this month. Good Luck girls!
click on their pictures to be taken directly to their individual blogs
About This Blog
Challenges will be published on the 15th of every month. Please remember to post your links in the comments section if you play along. We want to be able to see what you do and be inspired. We not only want to inspire you but be inspired by you. If we don't have links we can't ohhhh and ahhhh! :) Thanks for playing along.